July 10: Resilience: The Imperative and Opportunity of Our Time


1:00pm: Welcome

The Wood River Valley & Resilience

Around the world resilience is being embraced as a critical priority to deal effectively with shocks and our rapidly changing times and the increasing risks we face from greater economic interdependence and environmental disruptions. The concept of resilience is receiving great attention from individuals, businesses, communities and nations alike. The Wood River Valley community is prioritizing resilience to strengthen the area’s ability to bounce back from harm to the local economy, whether from wildfires, poor snowfall or global economic conditions. Addressing these risks—including from energy insecurity, water scarcity, food availability and costs, and by investing in greater resilience through critical infrastructure such as for energy, communications and housing—is key to preserving the region’s quality of life.


Aimée Christensen, Sun Valley Institute

Nina Jonas, Mayor of Ketchum

Afternoon Theme: Resilience - The Imperative for Action & the Opportunities for All

Global agreement to the Paris climate accord and the UN Sustainable Development Goals challenge world leaders to act urgently while also presenting a great opportunity: to make our economies more healthy, equitable, and prosperous. The Forum’s opening day will start with the vision of where we are, where we need to be, and the exciting opportunities for how we can get there. From finance to business strategy, to America’s economic, political and military positioning, our speakers will share the specific ways in which we can make this transformation and what it will mean to all of us, as citizens, philanthropists, investors and corporate leaders.

1:15pm: Afternoon Session I


Paul Hawken, Project Drawdown and SVI Advisory Board

Nancy Pfund, DBL Partners

Rob Bernard, Microsoft

Rick Saines, Baker & McKenzie

3:15pm - 3:30pm: Break

Afternoon Session II


Dana Lanza, Confluence Philanthropy

Peter Knight, Generation Investment Management

Collin O’Mara, National Wildlife Federation

Joel Makower, GreenBiz and SVI Advisory Board

Colonel Mark “Puck” Mykleby, Case Western Reserve University

5:00pm: Reception with the Speakers

Location: The Warfield roof deck (280 N. Main Street, Ketchum)

7:00pm: Resilience Film Festival: Time to Choose

Location: nexStage Theatre

Followed by Q&A with Executive Producer, Tom Dinwoodie and cast member,

Nancy Pfund, DBL Partners

July 11: Investing in, Protecting and Enhancing Resources for Resilience


Morning Theme: Investing for Resilience

9:00am: Morning Session I

What is Investing for Resilience?

Building resilience requires massive shifts in how capital is being deployed. Fortunately there are now opportunities across geographies, asset classes, and risk and return profiles to meet any investor’s needs. Join leading investment innovators to hear how they are investing for good, benefiting society and communities and the bottom line.


Raúl Pomares, Sonen Capital and SVI Advisory Board (Session Host)


Brooks Preston, Overseas Private Investment Corporation and SVI Advisory Board

Lila Preston, Generation Investment Management and SVI Board

Silda Wall Spitzer, NewWorld Capital

Glen Yelton, SNW


Ann Davlin, Co­‐Chair of the NY State Micro‐grid Energy Prize Competition

Dana Lanza, Confluence Philanthropy

Julie Shafer, Bank of the West

11:15am: Morning Session II

Local Investment Innovations for Resilience

Investing locally places resources directly in the hands of communities. Hear how going local benefits investors, local economies and is scaling to make impact far beyond the places pioneering these approaches.


Ali Long, Local Food Alliance and SVI Board Vice Chair (Series Host)

Michael Shuman, Author of The Local Economy Solution and SVI Advisory Board

Oran Hesterman, Fair Food Network

Viraj Puri, Gotham Greens, TED Fellow and Wild Gift Fellow

Stephanie Gripne, CO Impact Days and Impact Finance Center

12:30pm: Lunch

Location: Forest Service Park (131 E. River Street, Ketchum)

Afternoon Theme: Protecting and Enhancing America’s Resources Land and Energy

2:00pm: Afternoon Session I

A Conservation Agenda for the 21st Century: Balancing Resource Use, Restoring Ecological Integrity, and Building Climate Resilience

The United States in unique among nations in maintaining a large portion of its land base in public ownership. However, as pressures on the public lands of the Western United States increase, so, too, do the challenges of sustaining the health of these lands and resources and the goods and services that they provide. Anthropogenic stressors, including climate change, are further impacting these lands and resources manifest in increased drought, more frequent and intense wildfires, and the loss of native species of flora and fauna. Reversing this trend will require a new conservation agenda for the 21st century – one that is focused on a reevaluation of land use practices, more targeted use of natural resources, and a reinvestment in these landscapes to restore their ecological integrity. This, in turn, can help reduce CO2 emissions, improve carbon sequestration, and restore landscape health, enhance biodiversity, and build climate resilience.


Jim Lyons, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Land and Minerals Management, U.S. Department of the Interior, and Lecturer and Research Scholar Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

2:45pm: Afternoon Session II

The Great Energy Transformation

The way we make, transport, and consume energy is in the midst of massive disruption. Dramatic cost reductions and new business models are driving new opportunities for individuals to have greater control over their energy choices. What does this mean for our energy prices, reliability and environmental impact? We’ll hear from a pioneer in global energy and a panel of women leading the way in energy across investment, power generation and innovation.


Bob Hemphill, AES

This panel is produced in collaboration with The Hawthorn Club, a global network of women leaders in energy. This is a uniquely exciting time in the energy industry, as it is poised to face a multitude of opportunities and challenges in the coming decades, and women are particularly well suited to address these. Ms. Harris will ask the distinguished panel of women from the political, technological and financial sectors to discuss the role that they see their organizations playing in this transition.


Meade Harris, the Hawthorn Club (Panel Host) with:

Aimee Barnes, Allotrope Partners

Leslie Biddle, Serengeti Asset Management

Kathleen Brown, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips

Sydney McNiff Johnson, Dentons

Nancy Pfund, DBL Partners

4:00 – 5:30pm: Free time

5:30 – 7:00pm: Evening Reception hosted by Nina Jonas, Mayor of Ketchum

7:00pm: Dine Around Town Dinners

Location: Tables of 6 reserved around town

7:00pm: Resilience Film Festival: Racing Extinction

Location: nexStage Theatre

Followed by Q&A with race car driver and environmentalist Leilani Münter

July 12: We’re All in This Together: Engaging Society


Morning Theme: Engaging Society and Community

9:00am: Morning Session I

Engaging Society: Do People Care? Can They? Can We Make a Difference?

To meet the speed and scale of the opportunity to transform our economies, all of us must be informed and active. We’ll hear how our speakers are doing just that, from a race car driver using her car as a billboard to faith leaders engaging their congregants, to activating kids in our schools, to musicians firing up their fans and helping those in the criminal justice system, this morning’s speakers share their strategies and lessons learned so we can see what we all can do.


Leilani Münter, environmentalist and race car driver

Bob Perkowitz, ecoAmerica

Dianna Cohen, Plastic Pollution Coalition

Douglas Gayeton, Lexicon of Sustainability

11:00am: Morning Session II

Communities Under Threat – Place-Based Innovations

Mountain communities are at great risk from fire, drought, power outages and snowfall changes. This session will explore how those risks can be taken on and turned into opportunities.


Michelle Stennett, Idaho State Senator (Session Host)

Chris Bray, Institute for Translational Research in Children’s Mental Health

Philip Cook, Policy Analysis Group, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho

Jae Hill, Community Development Director, City of Sun Valley

Zach Knight, Blue Forest Capital

12:30pm: Lunch

Location: Town Square and the Ketchum Farmer’s Market

Afternoon Theme: The Power of Landscape

2:00pm: Afternoon Session I

The Seven Deserts Run for Freshwater

It made it into the Guinness Book of World Records: running across seven deserts on seven continents in seven weeks. Mina Guli completed 40 marathons – 5 marathons a week – across the world’s great deserts to draw attention to the global water crisis. Witness her incredible accomplishment and hear the urgency of her call to action for the world’s freshwater resources.


Mina Guli, Ultra Distance Athlete, Thirst

2:45pm: Afternoon Session II

The Nation’s Newest Wilderness Area: The White Clouds


Rocky Barker, Idaho Statesman

Rick Johnson, Idaho Conservation League

Matt Leidecker, author of Exploring the White Clouds

3:45pm: Close

7:00pm: Resilience Film Festival: TONY ROBBINS: I AM NOT YOUR GURU

Sun Valley premiere and sneak peak of the documentary to be released on Netflix July 15th. From acclaimed director Joe Berlinger, with video introduction

by Tony Robbins