2015 Sun Valley Forum for Resilience


9 – 10am Welcome and Opening Keynote

Welcome: The Honorable Nina Jonas, Mayor of Ketchum, ID

Keynote Address: The Honorable Cory Booker, U.S. Senator, NJ

Senator Booker will share his insights on resilience from his experience as U.S. Senator and as Mayor of Newark, New Jersey, including rebuilding after Hurricane Sandy and catalyzing an economic resurgence in Newark. Senator Booker attended Yale Law School and Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, played football as a tight end for Stanford University. He’s also known for his use of technology to directly engage constituents and improve government responsiveness to its citizens.

10 – 11:30am Opening Panel: Why Resilience?

Leaders around the world are prioritizing resilience. Learn why resilience is so critical for business, government, infrastructure and universities, and how resilience can become a great opportunity for the Wood River Valley, for Idaho, and far beyond.

Introduction: Wendolyn Holland, Author of Sun Valley: An Extraordinary History

Harry Griffith, Executive Director, Sun Valley Economic Development

Moderator: Jeff Goodell, Contributing Editor, Rolling Stone

Nancy Kete, Managing Director, The Rockefeller Foundation

Gary Dirks, Director, Global Institute of Sustainability, ASU

Brent Stacey, Associate Laboratory Director for National Homeland Security, Idaho National Laboratory

Steve McBee, President & CEO, NRG Home

Jeffery Sayer, Director, Idaho Department of Commerce

11:30 – 12:45 Investing for Resilience

Resilience requires investment, whether in infrastructure or new businesses: what are the kinds of investments attracting financing and why? How can local investment dollars be mobilized for resilience?

Moderator: Werner Morawitz, SVIR Board of Directors

Brooks Preston, Vice President of Investment Funds, Overseas Private Investment Corporation & SVIR Advisory Board

Marco Krapels, Senior Vice President of Strategy, SolarCity

John Chlebowski, Lead Director, NRG Yield, Inc. & SVIR Advisory Board

Jennifer Leonard, Vice President, Impact Investing, The CAPROCK Group

Rosalie Sheehy Cates, Senior Adviser, Philanthropy Northwest

Michael Shuman, Author of The Local Economy Solution

12:45 – 1:45pm Lunch

2:00 – 3:30pm Strategies for Resilience

The Wood River Valley is facing urgent threats to its resilience from fire to drought and erratic snowfall to energy and food insecurity. What are the strategic approaches and tools to enable resilience including for key sectors like food, energy and natural systems that underpin resilience in this region and around the nation? How can this community and others build resilience into priority sectors at risk?

Moderator: Harry Griffith, Sun Valley Economic Development & SVIR Board Member

Ken White, Associate Director, Post Carbon Institute

Astrid Scholz, Founder, The Resilience Exchange

Shawn Benner, Professor, Boise State University

Carol Brown, Sawtooth Forest Environmental Coordinator, U.S. Forest Service

Jim Keating, Executive Director, Blaine County Recreation District

Aimée Christensen, SVIR & Ketchum Energy Advisory Committee

Mark Davidson, Director, Idaho Water Project, Trout Unlimited

3:30 – 4:30pm Local Investment Opportunities

How can resilience improve local quality of life while strengthening the Wood River Valley economy and presenting great investment opportunities?

Moderator: Rick LeFaivre, SVIR Board of Directors

Overview of Impact Investment: Ali Long, Local Food Alliance & SVIR Board Member

Deal #1 Idaho’s Bounty: Ian Jameson, Director, American Capital Advisory

Deal #2 Solar for Businesses: Billy Mann, Founder, Sagebrush Solar & SVIR Advisory Board

Deal #3 Nonprofit Resilience: Jason Fry, CEO & Executive Director, Wood River Community YMCA

Deal #4 Cross-Sectoral Impact: Ali Long

4:30 – 5pm Forum Summary and Closing

Wrap up from the day’s discussions and recommend actions for the future.

Moderator: Aimée Christensen, SVIR

Peter Horton, Pico Creek Productions & SVIR Advisory Board

Collin O’Mara, CEO, National Wildlife Federation

Raúl Pomares, Founder, Sonen Capital